Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Challenge for Each Decade

I know a lot of people talk about the BIG BIRTHDAY each time they change decades.  I dreaded turning the BIG 3-0 before the car accident, but then was thrilled I made it to that birthday.  It was not until the BIG 4-0 was met with a cancer diagnosis that I started thinking about how each decade of my life has ushered in a new adventure.

10--move to the country
30--wheelchair life and adjustment to TBI

The good news is the pattern has been about a decade to adjust to each adventure before the next big one comes.  Although I did add some other big ones in there with graduation, college, graduate school, two kiddos, etc.  :)  If my life follows the pattern, I should have plenty of time to adjust to this one before the next BIG adventure hits.  And, if the pattern continues, I should successfully manage this adventure.  So, here's to the next adventure.  I wonder what 5-0 will bring

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