I'm about to get a PET scan and I'm choosing the "acting as if" scenario. If I act as if everything will be fine and this is no big deal then that is what will happen right? I've been telling everyone this is no big deal. I even sent my husband to work this morning because everything will be fine. My PET scan will not "light up like a Christmas tree."
I did this when I was called back for further testing after my mammogram. It was no big deal, I sent my husband to work, etc. That time, the results were different than expected.
I think "acting as if" is really having faith that all will be well. Regardless of the results, all will be well. Jesus promises, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33 NIV) The beginning of this verse says, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace."
So, no matter the results all will be well. I am about to get facts about the reality of my situation. I can deal with whatever I need to deal with, I just need to know what that is. I am not alone. Whatever comes, with Christ's help and the support of family and friends, I can do this. :)
UPDATE: PET Scan done. I'll receive results in two weeks
First hormone blocker shot done. It was Zoladex.
Thanks for writing your blog, Angel